Computational Science Research Center Acsess Event

1 minute read

Every year, students at the Computational Science Research Center at SDSU get together to showcase our research to members of the community, alumni, and industry partners. I presented my early doctoral research at this event in 2021 and was delighted to be selected as the top presenter, receiving the Director’s Award (see full blog post from 2021 here). This year, I presented on recent research work that is really setting the stage for the next stage of my doctoral research. You can check out a quick 5-minute presentation of the presented work in the following video:

I am super excited to announce I was selected as the top presenter, for the second time, and was given the Director’s Award! I had a great time chatting to the many people that attended my poster and took the time to view my research video. It truly gives me great confidence to set the stage for the remainder of my PhD journey.

award image poster image
Receiving the Director’s Award form the CSRC Director Dr. Jose Castillo (left) for my poster presentation (right).
Photo of every member who received an award at the event.