Director's Award - CSRC ACSESS 2021

1 minute read

The Computational Science Research Center (CSRC) at SDSU hosts an annual event titled Applied Computational Science and Engineering Student Showcase (ACSESS). As a first year PhD student in the CSRC, I was able to attend the event for the first time to showcase my research. The event aims to connect students with industry experts to facilitate collaboration and understand current industrial problems.

“ACSESS’s Mission is to provide CSRC students an opportunity to work on real world problems coming from industry and national laboratories. This is fostered via research, educational programs, and promoting industrial interaction, outreach, and partnership activities. Collaboration among students, faculty, and industry partners is extensive and interdisciplinary with faculty members with expertise in four areas: biosciences, earth, engineering and physical sciences.”


The event is normally held as a poster session but due to Covid-19 the CSRC held a virtual event. All presenters were asked to give a five minute oral presentation of their work to be judged by members of industry and academia. All presentations by students at the even can be seen here. An overview of my presented work can be seen in my overview slide shown below.

I was given the Director’s Award at the event which is given to the top scorer. I am extremely excited and honored to receive the award as a first year PhD student competing against others further along in their degree. Of course, I could not achieve such success without the help of my advisors and their constant support.

For more information, please don’t hesitate to reach out.