SIAM Student Chapter, SDSU

1 minute read

I am excited to announce I will be taking on a leadership role as the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematicians Student Chapter President for 2023-2024. I will also be serving as the College of Sciences Student Council Representative.

Goals as Chapter President

My primary goal as president is to increase the SIAM community at SDSU to better support Computational Science Research students throughout their educational journeys. When I began my PhD program in 2020, I had very little opportunity to meet and study with my cohort as COVID drastically altered the learning experience. As a way to give back to my program, I am hoping to organize and facilitate many events during the semester to allow students to get to know one another in a low-stress environment. Here is a quick overview of my goals for SIAM this year:

  • Update club website to increase communication and public relations.
  • Create a regular journal club meeting for scientific and interpersonal growth.
  • Seek out funding opportunities for networking events.

Website Update

I am happy to announce I spent some time developing the new SIAM Student Chapter, SDSU website. Please check it out here.