S-STEM Scholars Meeting


I am grateful to have been nominated and chosen to attend the annual S-STEM Scholar meeting in Washington D.C. from September 14-16, 2023 as a San Diego State University Computational Science Research Center representative.

SIAM Student Chapter, SDSU


I have been elected president of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematicians Student Chapter at SDSU!

ARCS Scientist of the Year Event


In the Fall of 2022, I was lucky enough to be awarded as a 2022-2023 ARCS scholar. You can check out the blog post announcing this award and find out a little bit more info about ARCS here. Each year, ARCS puts on a Scientist of the Year event where they recognize an influential San Diego scientist and the year’s ARCS Scholars. This was a fun event where we got to hear a great talk from Dr. Margaret Leinen about her research efforts in the field of oceanography.

Reference Based RNA Sequencing Analysis - Galaxy Tutorial


This tutorial goes over the full RNA sequencing pipeline in Galaxy, an open source web-based platform for data intensive biomedical research. Galaxy is great for conducting RNA-seq analysis when you don’t have access to the appropriate computing resources.

Computational Science Research Center Acsess Event


Super excited to announce I received the Director’s Award for my current research endeavors at the 2023 Computational Science Research Center Applied Computational Science and Engineering Student Showcase!


ARCS Award


I am super excited to announce I have been selected as an ARCS scholar representing San Diego State University! The ARCS® Foundation is a nationally recognized organization run entirely by women philanthropists. Their mission is to boost American leadership and advancement in science and technology by providing funding to help the country’s most brilliant students create knowledge and innovative technologies.


Society of Mathematical Biology 2021


I have been learning more and more about the advantages of growing a network and remaining connected within your field. With the Society of Mathematical Biology being an organization focused on promoting the development and dissemination of research an education between the mathematical and biological sciences, I was excited to attend, although virtually, the annual conference for 2021. Throughout the conference I was given the opportunity to participate in a mentorship program where I gained ample insight into the mathematical biology world in both academia and industry. Dr. Uduak George (SDSU) and Dr. Mona Eskandari (UCR) organized a minisymposium on Understanding lung function and disease through mathematical modeling and experiment. I was delighted to participate in this minisymposium for my talk titled New metrics for quantifying the spatial inhomogeneity of abnormal fluid in MR images of cystic fibrosis lungs. The abstract for the talk is shown below along with a video of the presentation.



Just some common tips and tricks for Markdown files!

CSU Research Competition - 1st Place!


I was extremely honored to be chosen as a San Diego State University delegate to attend the state-wide California State University Student Research Competition in April of 2021. As I was chosen for my work presented at the SDSU Student Research Symposium, I presented on the same topic at this competition. If you would like to remind yourself of the work I presented, you can check out my talk highlighted in this blog post!

Director's Award - CSRC ACSESS 2021


The Computational Science Research Center (CSRC) at SDSU hosts an annual event titled Applied Computational Science and Engineering Student Showcase (ACSESS). As a first year PhD student in the CSRC, I was able to attend the event for the first time to showcase my research. The event aims to connect students with industry experts to facilitate collaboration and understand current industrial problems.

President's Award - SRS 2021


On March 20, 2021, I was pleased to present my current research at the 14th annual San Diego State University (SDSU) Student Research Symposium (SRS) where I won the President’s Award. I have been presenting my research at SRS since I was an undergrad in 2018 and each year my experience is always rewarding. This year, the symposium took place virtually due to Covid-19.